Liver Transplant India, Liver Transplant Cost in India, Liver Transplant Surgery Specialist in India – Dr. A. S. Soin


Patients Experiences : Liver Doners

Sohaib Saeed about his father Anwar-Ul-Saeed’s liver transplant

First of all, I thank God who gave my Father a new life. Also, I am very thankful to Doctor Soin and his team because due to their efforts and treatment my Father is back in his healthy and happy life. Throughout my complete 2 and half-month stay in Sir Ganga Ram hospital, New Delhi, I found all the doctors and staff very cooperative. After our operation, both of us are physically fit and enjoying life. For me, it was a hard time to remember but when I see him now, all the memories go away. After my experience of this hospital and doctors, I can say with complete gratification that the treatment especially liver transplant surgery is very successful here because of the tireless efforts shown by all the doctors. God may bless all of you.

Best Regards,

CELL NO: +92-333-6500016

Nitin Lal

Nitin Lal, 2 months after donating half his liver for his Uncle Satish Lal, is enjoying a completely normal life with the added elation of having saved someone’s life!

Dr. Ko Ko Tun

(donated part of his liver for Dr Wai, his cousin and teacher)

From my heart………….

“Give a new enjoyable life again to the dying by donating liver”

I was not excited or thrilled to respond to the questions asked by the respectful old jury members of Transplant Authorisation Committee of the Hospital in New Delhi: “Why do you want to donate your liver to Dr Wai, a case of HCC?” My answer was “to save her life”. They added “so why to Dr Wai and why not to others? Without hesitations, my response was “Of course, I will donate to all who need. But besides being my cousin, she was my teacher. She taught me obstetrics and gynaecology when I was attending the final years of MBBS. I must give priority to my teacher as she is one of the 5 beneficiaries:- Buddha, Dhamma, Monks, Teachers and Parents.” They argued that she was no longer your teacher now. I said, our tradition teaches us that “once someone is your teacher, he or she is your teacher for life.” In the past, I have been a regular blood donor. The driving force to donate parts of my body originates from the following words of a poem.  It says “I want to give my eyes to a man who has never seen a sun-rise, a baby’s face or love in the eye of a woman”

“Give my blood to a teenager who has been pulled from the wreckage of his car, so that he might live to see his grandchildren play”

“Give my kidneys to one who depends on a machine to exist from week to week”

The juries argued again that “Do you know you have only one liver, not two like kidneys?” As I am the post-graduate student of pathology, I replied that “I will donate only half of my liver, which can save the life of my teacher and I can live very well on the remaining half which will regenerate to its own size within 2 months”. Eventually, it was followed by applause, congratulations and blessing of committee members. When I come back to my own country, Myanmar, I receive it again and again, from many people:- my health minister to my subordinates, from my Mom to nieces, from close to unknown.  I am really satisfied with these returns, which are not in a form of money but in a form of affection, respects, good wishes, and greetings which are, I believe, worthy and more valuable than money. In fact, I get a great profit because I have given a part of liver to one person, but I receive the returns from thousands or even millions. 

The message I would like to convey to others is that “give a new life to dying persons and let them live together with us by sharing our reserves:- blood, kidney, liver, bone marrow, etc.”

In a letter to the author, Manish Bhoraskar, a liver donor for his sister writes.......

In a letter to the author, Manish Bhoraskar, a liver donor for his sister writes……….
Dear Sir, 
Hope you are doing great. How are things at SGRH?. I am quite sure that you will be very happy to know about some of my achievements after resuming work:
1.Just after five months from the date of my surgery I went to Pachmadhi (A well known hill station of the western region). In Pachmadhi, I used to walk around 4 – 5 kms. a day in places like deep-waterfall, forests & hills. During the whole journey & stay I never felt that anything was adversely affecting me due to major surgery which took place five months back & I was very comfortable and really enjoyed myself. 

2. Right from the day of resuming duty I am comfortably working for 12-16 hrs. a day in addition to daily journey up & down to Pithampur, which is around 50 kms. from Indore. 

3. As far as job related activities are concerned, my superiors are absolutely happy with my performance and in my performance appraisal for the whole year I was rated as “Excellent” & got a performance award from the CEO of the Company
4. I am also very hopeful to play a cricket match in the coming season. 

5. About the medicines, people got surprised when they came to know that after 20-25 days from the day of surgery, I only took multivitamin tablet (RECONIA) for some days. 6. I feel very happy to see a complete change in Swati (my sister) with the same level of zeal & enthusiasm. Nobody can imagine that just few months before she was suffering from a terminal condition.
I would be very happy if my experiences can help somebody in making up his mind for a needy person. I express my gratitude for all the things, which you have done for Swati & me and I wish you all the success for coming endeavors. 


Wish you good luck! 

Manish K Bhoraskar

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