Liver Transplant India, Liver Transplant Cost in India, Liver Transplant Surgery Specialist in India – Dr. A. S. Soin

Patients Experiences

October 22, 2024

Patients Experiences

We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions by those involved in liver transplants & surgery, Whether from transplant recipients, donors or families. If you do not find an answer to your question below, please email us your query regarding liver transplantation. We will answer your query within 72 hours.

Dr. Khin San Wai
MBBS, M. Med. Sc (OG) 
MRCOG (UK), Dr. Med. Sc(OG) 
Senior Consultant/ Associate Professor 
Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department 
Central Women Hospital 
Mandalay, Myanmar

Her story…
“I was diagnosed to have multifocal HCC (liver cancer), the largest one in right lobe 17cms in diameter found incidentally at ultrasound in Myanmar on 3.6.05. I underwent TACE (transarterial chemo-embolisation) to the right lobe in Singapore on 12.6.05 as MRI showed the involvement of both lobes of liver. I was keen to have Liver Transplantation. My husband Dr. Maung Maung found the Website of Dr. A. S. Soin, Senior Transplant Surgeon, New Delhi. We established the communication via e-mail sending my data. On 5.8.05 I started to have the full investigations and assessment instructed by Dr. A.S. Soin. In addition to HCC in the liver, left adrenal mass was also found. Laparoscopic left adrenalectomy was performed on 29.8.05, revealed an adenoma. Imaging and assessment excluded extrahepatic spread. Needle biopsy confirmed the well differentiated HCC. Dr. A. S. Soin and his transplant team decided for liver transplant on 8.9.05. To my knowledge, intraoperative, immediate post operative and convalescent period 6 weeks were uneventful. I believed that the efficient surgery, close monitoring in intra and post operative periods, prompt and effective management were attributable to the success of my liver transplant. Follow up is crucial for life. I would like to express my gratitude wholeheartedly to Dr. A. S. Soin and his liver team. I am one of the lucky patients who make the correct decision and choice to save their own lives.”

I was diagnosed with Liver Cirrhosis in May 2005 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. I decided to return to Mumbai, India and have myself examined by Dr. Samir Shah. After thorough investigations he immediately suggested, that if I wanted to have quality and a better life I need to undergo a Liver Transplant. I was absolutely shocked, as I never expected this to happen to that and me to this soon. All agreed to take his advice and immediately proceed to New Delhi to Visit Dr. A. S. Soin at SGRH.

We were very skeptical and apprehensive as to what the outcome of our meeting will be With Dr. Soin. Nervous to the depth of our hearts we met Dr. Soin. He answered to all our minutest of queries and questions with absolute patience and by the time we came out of his office after 1 hour my family and I had made up our minds that we will undergo A TRANSPLANT immediately. All our fears of such a major surgery had practically vanished and we were 100% confident.

I am obliged to my Wife who immediately without a minute’s hesitation or thought decided on being the Donor. She was the moral support and Pillar who didn’t break down or let my Family and I ever lost our nerves during these days of crisis. Though she had never taken a single Injection since her childhood she was very brave and underwent all the required tests which needed to be done to be a Donor. Our Patient Coordinators were very helpful too and guided us all the way through.

We both underwent all the tests and finally on 01st January 2008, I was operated by Dr. Soin and his Team of Saviors’. Post Operation I was given utmost care in the ICU and room with frequent visits by Dr. Soin, Dr. Rahul, Dr. Kumaran, Dr. Sehgal and others. The Nurses in the ICU were very Patient, Caring and took very good care of me. I was discharged from Hospital in 15 Days and I felt I was absolutely Normal.

In the end I would like to say that my Parents with God’s grace gave me birth, And Dr. Soin and his Team gave me this Second New Life. I will be indebted and obliged to them and my Wife throughout my life for gifting this life to me. I also deeply thank my Family and Dr. Samir Shah, Mumbai for the Moral and emotional support they have provided which helped to recover quicker.

Gaurav Sharda
S9-01 Hung Voung II, Dist. 7
Phu My Houng, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel : +84 8 4101990
Fax : +84 8 8243396
Cell: +84 982231372
India Cellphone: +91 9971461841

(Senior Consultant Physician  Yangon, Burma)
He needed an emergency liver transplant as he arrived from Myanmar in terminal acute liver failure]

Dear Dr. Soin,
First of all, I would especially like to thank you and all the other members of your liver transplant team in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Dr. Sanjav Saigal, Dr.S Gupta,  Dr. S. Nundy. I believed I was reborn by God with the help of your team. During hospital stay, your team gave me an excellent medical care and good mental support.

Being a doctor, I knew what the investigation results meant, possible consequences and prognosis of my illness. However, with all your support, I could withstand my acute illness during hospitalization. The day I well remember was the pleural aspiration after transplant.

I also thank my wife Dr.Cho for giving me tender loving care and understanding, Ko Nay Min Htun (my cousin – the liver donor who saved my life), my mother and all relatives of both our families for all their support. With Great Thanks

Dr.Tin Maung Chit

In January 2004, I was diagnosed as suffering from the cirrhosis of liver caused by Hepatitis B. I consulted doctors and surgeons at New Medical Center in Dubai, Indraprastha Apollo in New Delhi, Global Hospital in Hyderabad, and finally at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in Delhi.

It was the unanimous decisions of all the surgeons and consultants that a liver transplant was essential in my case.

After carefully considering the cost for the transplant, competence of surgeons, surgical facilities, and pre and postoperative care, I opted for getting my transplant done by Dr. A.S. Soin at SGRH-Delhi. 

This decision ranks, quite possibly, amongst the best I have taken in my life.

On 20th of December 2005, I underwent the liver transplant surgery. The competence, accessibility, and care extended to me and my wife – the donor, was superlative. We are both recuperating well. 

May God bless Dr. Soin and the excellent team of surgeons, doctors, nurses and support staff at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.

Dr Soin transplanted Narmandak 5 years ago. Tsevelmaa saved her mother by donating half her liver - the peak of generosity! She’s now pursuing her passion and scaling mountain peaks!

How many times have most of you succumbed to peer pressure, and ended up accompanying friends/family/colleagues to “celebration-worthy” evenings where you’d promised yourselves you’d call it a night at one drink, or you know maybe two? And, then those two drinks turn into a couple, and before you know it you are drunk (maybe not extremely drunk, but drunk nonetheless), and you end up going from the recommended 14 units a week to 29, or even more. You are probably nodding your head no, but even if you consider yourself just a social drinker and end up going out even 2 nights a week, it’s almost a given that you will most likely than not end up surpassing the 14 unit limit. Still don’t believe it? Do the math yourself – you go to a friend/relatives place and end up having a couple of drinks. You really think those 5 drinks were just that? Newsflash: No, signor. For unless you’re at a bar, who even thinks of measuring how many mls go into a drink, no? So are those 5 drinks really limited to just 30 ml (small) drinks, or do you in fact end up consuming somewhere close to 60-70 ml per peg? Yes, the realisation has finally dawned on you as you put two and two together and realised that you’ve actually clocked in somewhere close to the 14 unit limit in just one night.

And, while there is nothing wrong with drinking to your heart’s content, the only reason you should exercise a little caution is so that you don’t inch your way closer to liver cirrhosis in the long-run, or worse, alcohol poisoning in just a matter of hours. Your precious body can only handle about a unit an hour, and if you subject it to any more (especially a higher limit), you can end up losing control of your heartbeat, breathing and your body. If you end up throwing up, you run the risk of choking on it. Yes, and it gets worse. It can dehydrate you, cause brain damage, lead to seizures, and so much more. You’re probably scared a little (or a lot), and you should be, so the one upside to this is that that not everyone’s body reacts the same way. Regardless, it’s always best to minimise your risk by keeping under the recommended limit.

Drink 8 units a day if you’re a guy, and 5 units a day if you’re a girl for even 2-3 weeks at a stretch and you run the risk of something called fatty liver. Yes, if you’re a girl/woman, anything with the word ‘fat’ attached to it seems like your worst nightmare, and it probably is. It’s when the liver turns glucose into fat and sends it ‘round your body to store as fat, and guess where it all goes? To your liver, which would most likely cause a small, but significant amount of discomfort to your stomach, and you’ll also end up feeling sick quite a bit, and no longer enjoy that Avocado Roll you used to swear by until recently.

Yes, early symptoms of liver damage include symptoms such as abdominal pains, diarrhoea, fatigue, nausea and vomiting. Well, if you’re bleeding in the gut, notice easy bruising, are more fatigued than usual, have yellow (jaundiced) skin, and experience increased sensitivity to alcohol and drugs (both the medical and recreational kind), swollen ankles or stomach, vomit blood, or notice a sudden loss in appetite, well, it’s time to go see a liver specialist. If you don’t have one, ask family and friends for recommendations, or just come see Dr. AS Soin, the leading liver transplant surgeon in India to get your symptoms checked out.

LIFE 2.0
by Smriti K.

“Life’s under no obligation to give us what we expect.”

As a 9-year old, I had spent more time in hospitals than in classrooms; then my life was frequent of trips to the hospital, unexplained bouts of pain, and diseases no child should have to suffer. My memory of the time I had a liver transplant in 4th grade is limited, yet I felt a sense of comfort and peace knowing that I would finally have a childhood.

The initial journey was not smooth. I experienced rejections by the liver, was often in ICU, and even had to appear for two of my exams hospitalized. How did I get through all that? I used to feel really low initially, but then I told myself – these are minor problems after the operation, and doctors assured me I will grow out of them. I recalled all the times I had met people who couldn’t believe I survived, and laughed. Its funny how people are even scared of a fever. They don’t know how bad things can be.

Very early after my transplant, I decided to take life into my own hands. Two years after the transplant, there was a race on the Childrens’ Day in school. Like everyone, I was excited to take part but the teachers asked me not to as I was a transplant patient, and ‘ill’. I protested and participated, and somehow, managed to win! My certificate still hangs on my wall, reminding me of my strength and reinforcing the fact that I can do anything I want.

Now I am living an absolutely normal life, something my surgeon, Dr. A. S. Soin, told my parents immediately after the operation. The surgery gave me a new life at a time when liver transplant was not very common, and I credit Dr. Soin, Dr. Neelam Mohan and their team not only for the fighting chance but also for the constant support given to me and my parents. A magnetic slating board, given to me by Dr. Soin after my transplant, is one of my most prized possessions. I remembered him telling me I could draw on it whatever I liked. That it symbolized life, and I could do what ever I wanted. He told me whatever was worth doing, was worth doing well. It is a reminder of how far I have come and how far I can go.

Now, at 21, I have done just that: moved on and built a life for myself. I am really excited about my new job. At one point, I must confess I thought I would not pass my Class 12 Boards since my liver rejected just 2 months prior to the exam. Now I am a computer engineer, and I have a great job.

My parents, my two pillars of strength, have been very considerate and encouraging, whether I wanted to pursue science or live in Chennai alone to work. My mother has given me 3 lives – my birth, then my new liver as she was the donor, and then by supporting me throughout, so I can enjoy a normal life. My father inspired me to become an engineer. All this is cosmic, and I am truly blessed.

One message from my life: good doctors are God’s angels, and can save your life, but it is your own positivity that eventually makes your life.

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