Liver Transplant India, Liver Transplant Cost in India, Liver Transplant Surgery Specialist in India – Dr. A. S. Soin

Liver Transplant Operation

Dr. A.S. Soin Previous Patients

Landmark operations and some firsts to the author's credit - patients' experiences

First successful cadaveric Liver Transplant in India

"Brother's gift of life saves sister at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital "

It was a fine and fortuitous blend of a surgeon's skill, brother's generosity...

Swati who was troubled with repeated attacks of jaundice for about 4 years, was diagnosed to be suffering from advanced liver cirrhosis due to Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. As her attacks of jaundice became more frequent and severe, she was forced to discontinue her job as a high school mathematics teacher. Her condition deteriorated quite rapidly and she needed 4 hospitalisations at Mumbai and another 3 at Delhi within a space of 6 months. She steadily lost 25 kg of weight and started needing medical attention every few days. She was finally told by the doctors In Mumbai and abroad (whom her husband Milind contacted) that her only chance of survival was a liver transplant. She was finally asked to see the author by a family friend who is himself a well-known liver transplant surgeon in USA. After waiting for 4 months for a cadveric organ, the family could no longer bear to see her state and both the brother Manish and her Uncle volunteered to donate their half livers. As Manish was the more suitable donor, the author and his team at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital performed another first – a brother to sister liver transplant. Postoperatively, both Manish (donor) and Swati (recipient) recovered uneventfullyand were discharged home 9 and 15 days after the transplant. Now over a year after the operation, both are completely well and leading normal lives. While Manish packs in a 5 km run in his usual day, Swati’s average day stretches to 14-16 hours and her nearly terminal state pre-transplant is now a distant haze.

Swati on holiday with her family a year after her transplant. Her brother had donated half his liver.

First successful long distance cadaveric liver transplant

A calamity struck the happy family of Shouries’ when they discovered that Dr. V.K. Shourie, a dental surgeon, was suffering from end-stage liver failure which could only be cured with a liver transplant. His wife, also a dental surgeon, left no stone unturned in trying to explore the possibilities both abroad and in India, of a saving her husband’s life with a transplant. She ultimately e-mailed the author her husband’s reports and got the same opinion – that he needed an early transplant. Barely few weeks after the initial contact, the author was informed of a possible suitable donor in Chennai. He immediately rang the Shouries around 2am in the night! They made a quick decision to chance going to a team they had never actually met for a life-saving transplant! They took the 6 am flight to Delhi. The author’s colleague who was on holiday in Bangalore, flew to Chennai to get the liver. Meanwhile the author performed some last minute tests and started the operation in Delhi as soon as he heard about the donor liver being good. The liver arrived and the author transplanted it into Dr Shourie, thus completing a landmark operation in which for the first time, a liver retrieved in another city (Chennai), was successfully transplanted into a patient (from yet another city-Mumbai!) in Delhi. Dr. Shourie is completely well and actively working nearly 4 years after his transplant.

Dr. Vinay and Dr.(Mrs.) Shourie four years after the transplant

TopFirst successful combined liver and kidney transplant in India

4 years ago, this 62 year old gentleman from UAE was in terminal liver failure. His condition was further complicated by deteriorating kidney function. In a last ditch attempt to find a solution to his problem, his son sent a desperate fax to the author asking for a transplant. He was asked to come to Delhi immediately for evaluation for a combined liver and kidney transplant. He arrived in very poor shape with two organ failure. Odds were against him since no combined transplant had been previously done in India, and besides, the cadaveric donor situation was dismal in the country. However, within as little as 3 days of his arrival, mother luck smiled at him and a suitable blood group matched donor became who donated both kidneys and the liver. The author and his team performed a combined liver and kidney transplant and the patient made a remarkable recovery with excellent function of both transplanted organs. He was fit enough to be discharged after 26 days in hospital. He was taken directly to the airport from the hospital and flown back to UAE where he had a tearful and happy reunion with his large family.

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